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Change Set delivery as work item email notification

Danijel Saban (21132) | asked Jun 09 '10, 9:32 a.m.

This is my situation:

I have two project areas. First one is base on Rational Unified Process Template and second one on Eclipse Way Process.

The problem is in email notification related to work item.

I have all email notification rules enabled and I'm subscribed to both work items.

First work item (4141 -> Rational_Unified_Process.jpg) relies on Team Area associated to "RUP Template Process" Project Area and other one (3872 -> Eclipse Way Process.jpg) relies on Team Area associated to "Eclipse Way Process Template" Project Area.

There is a strange behavior in 3872 work item. Every delivery from developer, associated to this work item (Change Set), is automatically announced in Discussion tab.
So, I'm subscribed to receive email notification about "New Comment Added", and I'm receiving it as "Added change set: Changes in....".

This thing is nice and good, but I'm not sure is this a bug or just a feature.
This Work Item behavior (pushing Change Sets delivery to Discussion tab) is very useful.

In other side, Work Item 4141 (note: relies on RUP template) doesn't work like this. There is no way to push Change Set notification into Discussion tab.

Finally, my question is:
- is this a RTC/Jazz feature
- is this feature based and strictly related to Process Template
- is this some kind of anomaly or bug
- is it even possible to receive ChangeSet delivery notification through Work Item email notification, as it is not mentioned in email notification "Mail Configuration" area.
- if this feature is possible, how to enable it in other work items
- any link to documentation about this would be nice

Thanks in advance

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