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can we associate a file against to several team areas in RTC according to a customized field?

jane zhou (1061068) | asked Jan 31 '18, 10:31 p.m.
edited Feb 01 '18, 2:04 p.m.


Hi Someone who may concern,

        Currently, we encountered a issue in our project.
        We used File Against for functionality, such as feature 1, feature 2.... and we associate them with different team area.
        Say, feature1 ----> Team Jack         feature 2 --------> Team Tom
        We have lots of work item records now with this work model.
        Then, management team decide to make several teams working for the same feature.
       Say, feature 1-------> Team Jack if  the value for a customized field "Team" is "platform" and all defects with "platform" will go to backlog for Team Jack automatically
               feature 1--------> Team Tom if the value for a customized field is "product" and all defects with "product" will go to backlog for Team Tom automatically
        So, we told them it is impossible to do that way for RTC.
        We suggest them create 2 sub-components
              feature 1_platform  ------> Team Jack
              feature 1_product  -------> Tam Tom
        But they are not satisfied. they think User should not see Category with _xxxx to tell difference, because File Against  should ONLY mean functionality, it is not reasonable to show team info in the name. And  we already defined a customized attribute "Team" for that purpose.
        Another way I can figure out is to hide file against, but create another customized field, and update File against by script to combine feature and Team internally. But it means all our current records will need to be renamed, say from feature 1 to feature1_platform, which will cause inconsistency issue, because our reports are based on File Against. 

        Could anyone help us on this issue? 

Best Regards
Jane Zhou


Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 01 '18, 5:51 a.m.


one important point in development is and has always been responsibility. You want to be able to have a clear responsibility, because, as we have learned, if you have multiple or ambiguous responsibilities you don't have responsibilities at all. This is the reason why there is a identifying 1:1 relationship between categories and a process area and also for just one work item owner.

The categories are designed to be human readable so that users can choose a reasonable one and to allow teams to see their work.

So, the category in RTC can only map to exactly one process area (team area or project area). You can not change that at all and it is as it is. Using subcategories to manage this is one way of doing it. If your managers disagree with that, well is rejecting reality.

If teams work together on a feature, there should be a work item for each team to track their work and for planning.

I am not a fan of using calculated values for this. You could likely do that, but it will be a nightmare to maintain the mapping. I am not sure how to help you with your problem of the impact of all these changes. The problem, I think is rather the management and not the tools.

One other thought would be to make filed against optional when the users file them and have an attribute for the feature and then the team leads file the work items to the categories they think match their structure best.

jane zhou selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 01 '18, 6:29 a.m.

In addition, you would want to use a work item to represent a feature, rather than some enumeration or string. This is used in processes such as SAFe to coordinate deliveries across teams. There would be an owner for the feature. The person would make sure the feature is available when needed and done as requested working with the development teams.

This can be used in planning e.g. using cross project planning and tracking.

So I would suggest to not try this as an automation using calculated values.

jane zhou commented Feb 01 '18, 2:07 p.m.

 Hi Ralph,

         Thanks for your great help!

 Best Regards,
Jane Zhou

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