How do you run tests in parallel over a pool of machines?
I am using RQM 2.0.1
I am having trouble understanding the facilities provided by 'Test Suites'. I had envisaged that they were a means of grouping tests together such that the RQM built in test scheduler would execute the tests against eligible machines according to their availability (i.e. when the machines are not already running some other test).
So, I created this setup:
1. Lab resource machine definitions for two machines
Win001 - Operating System Windows Server 2003
Win002 - Operating System Windows Server 2003
2. Definitions for four test cases:
Each test case has a single automated test script of type 'Command Line' associated with it
3. A test suite TS001 containing the four test cases
The test suite box 'Run these tests in parallel' is checked
My goal is for these four test cases to be executed automatically on Win001 and Win002. My expectation is that I should be able to select all the test cases for execution and click 'Run', when something along the following lines would occur:
1. Two of the tests (let's say TC001 and TC002) start running on Win001 and Win002
2. The other two tests (TC003 and TC004) would enter a state of 'Queued' or 'Waiting for Execution'
3. TC002 ends, TC003 is executed on the now available Win002 machine. Now only TC004 is 'Queued'.
4. TC003 ends, TC004 is executed on the now available Win002 machine
5. TC001 ends
6. TC004 ends
Is this how it is supposed to work?
It seems that if I select just one of the test cases in the Test Suite --> Test Cases view, then I can click the green 'Run' button to execute it. However, if I select more than one of the test cases the 'Run' option becomes non selectable (faded out).
So either I am missing something fundamental here, or something fundamental does not work.
Is anyone able to clarify how tests can be automatically scheduled for execution in parallel over a pool of machines?
I am having trouble understanding the facilities provided by 'Test Suites'. I had envisaged that they were a means of grouping tests together such that the RQM built in test scheduler would execute the tests against eligible machines according to their availability (i.e. when the machines are not already running some other test).
So, I created this setup:
1. Lab resource machine definitions for two machines
Win001 - Operating System Windows Server 2003
Win002 - Operating System Windows Server 2003
2. Definitions for four test cases:
Each test case has a single automated test script of type 'Command Line' associated with it
3. A test suite TS001 containing the four test cases
The test suite box 'Run these tests in parallel' is checked
My goal is for these four test cases to be executed automatically on Win001 and Win002. My expectation is that I should be able to select all the test cases for execution and click 'Run', when something along the following lines would occur:
1. Two of the tests (let's say TC001 and TC002) start running on Win001 and Win002
2. The other two tests (TC003 and TC004) would enter a state of 'Queued' or 'Waiting for Execution'
3. TC002 ends, TC003 is executed on the now available Win002 machine. Now only TC004 is 'Queued'.
4. TC003 ends, TC004 is executed on the now available Win002 machine
5. TC001 ends
6. TC004 ends
Is this how it is supposed to work?
It seems that if I select just one of the test cases in the Test Suite --> Test Cases view, then I can click the green 'Run' button to execute it. However, if I select more than one of the test cases the 'Run' option becomes non selectable (faded out).
So either I am missing something fundamental here, or something fundamental does not work.
Is anyone able to clarify how tests can be automatically scheduled for execution in parallel over a pool of machines?
One answer
You need to hit the run button at the top of the Test Suite editor. Not the run button on top of the table of test cases. The run button for the table runs a single test case, that's why it's disabled when you select multiple test cases. But the run button at the top of the suite editor (up near the title), runs the test suite, which includes all the test cases in the suite. You will still have to select which machine you want to run each test case on. Typically, RQM will automatically select the same adapter for all test cases, which isn't good in the parallel case. But if you select Win001 for TC001, TC002 and Win002 for TC003, TC004 and run the suite in parallel, then RQM will pretty much behave as you described.