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New to Jazz with some basic workflow questions

Ryan Frantz (111) | asked Mar 04 '19, 8:07 a.m.

First let me apologize for the basic-ness of my questions, but I am new to Jazz.  I have over a decade of experience working in Microsoft and HP systems, but this is my first time working with an IBM product other than TCL.

I am in the position to make some drastic changes to the way we operate at my current employ, but the problem is that we don't have an SDLC.  Everyone does something different here, and my task is to create one process we can all follow as BAs, developers, and testers.

Can anyone point me in the right direction towards basic Agile workflows and how they are adapted to Jazz?  In particular the life cycle of an epic, a story, and/or a defect?  I want to use the default configurations in Jazz, but I need some sort of image repository to circulate that everyone can adhere to.

2 answers

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Kenny Smith (302614) | answered Mar 04 '19, 4:07 p.m.

 So, Jazz is a platform, not a methodology. The Team Concert product (which sits on top of the Jazz platform), Thus, if you are using the Scrum template in RTC, you are using the standard Scrum methodology. Same with the Scaled Agile Framework templates.

Ryan Frantz commented Mar 05 '19, 7:59 a.m.

Correct, and just like the Version One platform or Jira platform it is configurable.  I'm looking for a process workflow diagram for the default values of those configurations.  My challenge is that I've been given a team that has no idea what an SDLC is or how to abide by it.  They've heard the term SDLC, but their knowledge is just that they log in to Jazz, and that's where their work is.  Everyone deals with stories, defects, and tickets differently, and I need a visual representation in the form of a workflow based on Jazz's default configurations to have them adhere to. 

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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Mar 06 '19, 9:03 a.m.
Hi Ryan,
There is nothing really outside the product itself that I can send you related to the workflows specifically defined by the out-of-the-box Scrum template, but what I do have are graphical representations and other details about the work item types, attributes and workflows supported by the SAFe® templates we provide out-of-the-box . The SAFe templates support agile@scale, including essentially Scrum at the team level. We document all levels of support for SAFe. Here is a link to the Program and Team information (Essential SAFe): SAFe program and team work item types. Start here and you can navigate via the left pane to explore all of the work item type information as well as other levels of SAFe.


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