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Export RTC users into excel

9 answers

You can either use the repotools. Run it from a commandline in the server directory e.g. JazzTeamServer/server
If you start it without parameters it will show the help.
There is a parameter to export the users.
repotools -exportUsers tofile=users.csv repositoryURL=https://rtc.example.com:19443/jazz/
Will generate a CSV file which you could open with Excel.
If you start it without parameters it will show the help.
There is a parameter to export the users.
repotools -exportUsers tofile=users.csv repositoryURL=https://rtc.example.com:19443/jazz/
Will generate a CSV file which you could open with Excel.

please seehttp://jazz.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10744&highlight=export
please seehttp://jazz.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10744&highlight=export
Any answers on this?

Well,thanks for the reply but this is not exactly I am looking for.My question is not related to any Project or team Area. If you login as admin into the RTC Web UI,go to User Management. We will have list of users displayed. I was looking for some way where we can export these users in to Excel.

I tried the command with our repository connection. It displays that you are not logged in as ADMIN. Our repository is LDAP authenticated and we have disabled ADMIN.I have the admin rights.Do we have some syntax to pass on the User name and password also so that connection to repository can be done? We are using Linux server, just wanted to confirm if the command you sent is common for both LINUX and Windows.

as far as I know repotools come with all supported operating systems.
I'd suggest to look the syntax up in the help http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v2r0m0/index.jsp.
In addition if you run repotools -help it comes up with all parameters. You can pipe it in a text file. Then you get this:
as far as I know repotools come with all supported operating systems.
I'd suggest to look the syntax up in the help http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v2r0m0/index.jsp.
In addition if you run repotools -help it comes up with all parameters. You can pipe it in a text file. Then you get this:
-exportUsers --Export the user information.
[toFile=users.csv] --Path to the users comma delimited file.
[overwrite=<yes>] --Whether to overwrite an existing CSV file.
[repositoryURL=https://localhost:9443/jazz] --The connection URL for the server.
[adminUserId=ADMIN] --Admin user id to login to the Jazz repository.
[adminPassword=ADMIN] --Admin password to login to the Jazz repository.
[credentialsFile=credentials.properties] --The file containing the admin user's login credentials.
[logFile=repotools_exportUsers.log] --Path to the log file.
I tried the command with our repository connection. It displays that you are not logged in as ADMIN. Our repository is LDAP authenticated and we have disabled ADMIN.I have the admin rights.Do we have some syntax to pass on the User name and password also so that connection to repository can be done? We are using Linux server, just wanted to confirm if the command you sent is common for both LINUX and Windows.

Anyone out there know what is in the credentials file ? I haven't stumbled upon it described anywhere yet.
as far as I know repotools come with all supported operating systems.
I'd suggest to look the syntax up in the help http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v2r0m0/index.jsp.
In addition if you run repotools -help it comes up with all parameters. You can pipe it in a text file. Then you get this:
-exportUsers --Export the user information.
[toFile=users.csv] --Path to the users comma delimited file.
[overwrite=<yes>] --Whether to overwrite an existing CSV file.
[repositoryURL=https://localhost:9443/jazz] --The connection URL for the server.
[adminUserId=ADMIN] --Admin user id to login to the Jazz repository.
[adminPassword=ADMIN] --Admin password to login to the Jazz repository.
[credentialsFile=credentials.properties] --The file containing the admin user's login credentials.
[logFile=repotools_exportUsers.log] --Path to the log file.
I tried the command with our repository connection. It displays that you are not logged in as ADMIN. Our repository is LDAP authenticated and we have disabled ADMIN.I have the admin rights.Do we have some syntax to pass on the User name and password also so that connection to repository can be done? We are using Linux server, just wanted to confirm if the command you sent is common for both LINUX and Windows.

I was curious and tried it out.
Create a file e.g. credentials.txt with content
then you can use it with repotools. The password is not enchrypted.
I was curious and tried it out.
Create a file e.g. credentials.txt with content
then you can use it with repotools. The password is not enchrypted.
Anyone out there know what is in the credentials file ? I haven't stumbled upon it described anywhere yet.
as far as I know repotools come with all supported operating systems.
I'd suggest to look the syntax up in the help http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v2r0m0/index.jsp.
In addition if you run repotools -help it comes up with all parameters. You can pipe it in a text file. Then you get this:
-exportUsers --Export the user information.
[toFile=users.csv] --Path to the users comma delimited file.
[overwrite=<yes>] --Whether to overwrite an existing CSV file.
[repositoryURL=https://localhost:9443/jazz] --The connection URL for the server.
[adminUserId=ADMIN] --Admin user id to login to the Jazz repository.
[adminPassword=ADMIN] --Admin password to login to the Jazz repository.
[credentialsFile=credentials.properties] --The file containing the admin user's login credentials.
[logFile=repotools_exportUsers.log] --Path to the log file.
I tried the command with our repository connection. It displays that you are not logged in as ADMIN. Our repository is LDAP authenticated and we have disabled ADMIN.I have the admin rights.Do we have some syntax to pass on the User name and password also so that connection to repository can be done? We are using Linux server, just wanted to confirm if the command you sent is common for both LINUX and Windows.