RFT Adapter for RQM not recognized when runnning cloned VMs
I have a VM with Win7 + RFT 8.3 that works fine. I can start the RQM Adapter an import and run RFT scripts from RQM interface.
I cloned that VM so now I have 5 clones. The machine names were changed.
I'm trying to run the RQM Adapter and execute RFT Scripts in parallel from RQM.
When I start the adapter in the first VM it is ok, I can see it as available and use it form RQM.
When I start the adapter in the second VM, the first one beomes unavailable to RQM, like if it was stopped.
When I start a new one, the same repeats, so, I can only use the last adapter started and not all the five adapters.
I'm using the same rqm user/pass in the adapter.
If I start the adapter in another machine, not a cloned one, it works fine, I can see it independently of the other adapters started, so I suspect the problem is something with the cloned VMs.
Anyone one have any idea on why RQM is not recognizing multiple RFT Adapters in cloned VMs ?
I cloned that VM so now I have 5 clones. The machine names were changed.
I'm trying to run the RQM Adapter and execute RFT Scripts in parallel from RQM.
When I start the adapter in the first VM it is ok, I can see it as available and use it form RQM.
When I start the adapter in the second VM, the first one beomes unavailable to RQM, like if it was stopped.
When I start a new one, the same repeats, so, I can only use the last adapter started and not all the five adapters.
I'm using the same rqm user/pass in the adapter.
If I start the adapter in another machine, not a cloned one, it works fine, I can see it independently of the other adapters started, so I suspect the problem is something with the cloned VMs.
Anyone one have any idea on why RQM is not recognizing multiple RFT Adapters in cloned VMs ?
Accepted answer
Please check the following things:
1. As suggested above check the IP address on the cloned VMs are unique.
2. When you cloned the VM the RQMAdapterOptions.pref file also gets cloned which contains the adapter information.
What you can do is take a backup and then delete RQMAdapterOptions.pref file from all the VMs and then start the adapter in each a fresh and see if this solves your problem. Look for this file RQMAdapterOptions.pref and you can locate under IBM\RFT\RQMAdapterOptions.pref
3. Provide unique name to each adapter so that it can be identified easily.
1. As suggested above check the IP address on the cloned VMs are unique.
2. When you cloned the VM the RQMAdapterOptions.pref file also gets cloned which contains the adapter information.
What you can do is take a backup and then delete RQMAdapterOptions.pref file from all the VMs and then start the adapter in each a fresh and see if this solves your problem. Look for this file RQMAdapterOptions.pref and you can locate under IBM\RFT\RQMAdapterOptions.pref
3. Provide unique name to each adapter so that it can be identified easily.
Thanks a lot Rasmita.
I deleted the RQMAdapterOptions.pref file and it solved the problem. I saw thta inside it there was an id property that was equal for all the VMs cloned and after restarting the adapter the id was regenerated.
Would be good if the adapter or the server were able to recognize this kind of conflict and regenerate this file automatically