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Cannot install RTC Express-C into EGL Community Edition

Gilbert Herschberger (36) | asked May 05 '10, 11:11 a.m.
In theory, RTC Express-C and EGL Community Edition should be compatible because both are built on top of Eclipse. On the first attempt, using the Installation Manager and the install into an existing Eclipse option, an error message explains that org.eclipse.pde.ui is missing. This is easily corrected by installing the PDE into EGL-CE using its Help | Software Updates.

On the second attempt, an error message explains that a handful of components in EGL-CE are not the latest version. This is not so easily corrected. Using Help | Software Updates in EGL-CE, a message says, "There are no updates available."

Is there any compelling reason why RTC-CE and EGL-CE should not work well together?


5 answers

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Gilbert Herschberger (36) | answered May 05 '10, 11:26 a.m.
When I started RTC-CE after installing EGL-CE 1.0, there is no EGL perspective!

Switching my tactics, I installed a stand-alone RTC client using Installation Manager but without an existing Eclipse. Using its Help | Software Updates, I added the EGL-CE repository archive and installed EGL-CE.

The installation did not display an error message. A warning message says that newer versions of a handful of components are already installed.

Again, is there any compelling reason why RTC-CE and EGL-CE should not work well together?


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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered May 05 '10, 5:30 p.m.
When I started RTC-CE after installing EGL-CE 1.0, there is no EGL perspective!

Switching my tactics, I installed a stand-alone RTC client using Installation Manager but without an existing Eclipse. Using its Help | Software Updates, I added the EGL-CE repository archive and installed EGL-CE.

The installation did not display an error message. A warning message says that newer versions of a handful of components are already installed.

Again, is there any compelling reason why RTC-CE and EGL-CE should not work well together?



I can't tell you how to fix- but can guess what the problem is. First of all - you need to have the compatible versions of Eclipse (usually, the same version of Eclipse). Then each tool will have its own set of preconditions for plugin versions. It sounds like the EGL bits use an older version of some of the plugins - which may or may not be ok.

Did you try starting the eclipse shell with the -clean option. This forces Eclipse to re-read the plugins and generally cleans up the settings.


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Gilbert Herschberger (36) | answered May 06 '10, 12:12 p.m.
The EGL Perspective is now available! Here is what I did.

1. Installed RTC Express-C Client for Windows using the Installation Manager install. No, I did not install into an existing Eclipse.
2. Start RTC Client. Using its Help | Software Updates, (a) I installed EGL-CE and then (b) I installed J2EE Development.

Of course, I could have, and probably should have, installed J2EE Development first and then installed EGL-CE. As you may remember, EGL-CE depends upon J2EE Development.

Rationalization: By starting with RTC Express-C, it was not necessary to install separate patches for RTC. It was not necessary to download a version of Eclipse for J2EE development. I skipped all those extra downloads and steps.

Did you try starting the eclipse shell with the -clean option. This forces Eclipse to re-read the plugins and generally cleans up the settings.


Yes, anthony, I tried the -clean option. It helps did not help in this case but may help in others.


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Gilbert Herschberger (36) | answered May 06 '10, 12:15 p.m.
I posted a similar message on the EGL Community Edition hub.


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Gilbert Herschberger (36) | answered Jun 16 '10, 4:28 p.m.
For a full step-by-step tutorial to install RTC Express-C Client together with EGL Community Edition, see the tutorial called "Exercise 3.3 - EGL-CE 1.0 and RTC-EC 2.0".


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