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export custom work items

Sam Smith (2142) | asked May 05 '10, 5:43 a.m.
Hi All,

If I have some customized work items in a project area on server A then is it possible to 'export' the definitions for these custom types across to a different project area on server B?

I've tried exporting/importing a process template but that doesn't seem to bring over the definitions of the customized work items.

Any help/advice is much appreciated :)


3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 05 '10, 6:27 a.m.

what you can do today is create a process template from your customized process.
- From that template you can create new Projects that inherit your customizations.
- You can export the Template and import it on a different server, then create a project with your customizations.

Please note that configuring a project derived fro a template does not change the template. Therefore you have to create one first.


Hi All,

If I have some customized work items in a project area on server A then is it possible to 'export' the definitions for these custom types across to a different project area on server B?

I've tried exporting/importing a process template but that doesn't seem to bring over the definitions of the customized work items.

Any help/advice is much appreciated :)


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Sam Smith (2142) | answered May 05 '10, 6:56 a.m.
Thanks for your reply Ralph.

I've worked out that my problem was that when I came to create a new Project Area under the 'Project Area Management' link, my imported process wasn't listed there - as soon as I unticked the 'Fliter by Locale' box it appeared :)

Do you know where this locale is specified for the template? I don't remember seeing an option to specify it when I exported the template.

Cheers, Sam.


what you can do today is create a process template from your customized process.
- From that template you can create new Projects that inherit your customizations.
- You can export the Template and import it on a different server, then create a project with your customizations.

Please note that configuring a project derived fro a template does not change the template. Therefore you have to create one first.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 05 '10, 7:28 a.m.

unfortunately I don't. I think I remember I once saw some information on how to translate templates. If you export it, you get a zip file. Maybe you can find something there?


Thanks for your reply Ralph.

I've worked out that my problem was that when I came to create a new Project Area under the 'Project Area Management' link, my imported process wasn't listed there - as soon as I unticked the 'Fliter by Locale' box it appeared :)

Do you know where this locale is specified for the template? I don't remember seeing an option to specify it when I exported the template.

Cheers, Sam.

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