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Report Question regarding Work Item table in LIVE SNAPSHOT

Michael Walker (99215201157) | asked Apr 28 '10, 4:27 p.m.

I'm working on a report where I create a custom column that prioritizes Work Items based on specific criteria. One of the priorities is "defects opened against Unresolved Stories or APARs". In our Defect work items we have a custom field of Type "work item" where the Defect creator can link the Defect to the Story or APAR that they're testing.

What I want to do is get the WI_ID from the record linked in the field and then find it's current Status. If Unresolved, then the Defect gets that Priority #. If Resolved, then Defect isn't listed.

I looked at the WORK ITEM table in the LIVE SNAPSHOT, but don't see a field that would return this info. I see columns for other types, but not the work item type.

Can you guys give me any guidance on where to get this info?


5 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Apr 28 '10, 10:05 p.m.
Can you please try:
itemExtensions.key and itemExtensions.value.itemId
multiItemExtensions.key and multiItemExtensions.value.itemId

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Michael Walker (99215201157) | answered Apr 29 '10, 2:29 a.m.
Can you please try:
itemExtensions.key and itemExtensions.value.itemId
multiItemExtensions.key and multiItemExtensions.value.itemId

Thanks, it returned the ITEMID of the linked record.

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Michael Walker (99215201157) | answered Apr 29 '10, 6:06 p.m.
Can you please try:
itemExtensions.key and itemExtensions.value.itemId
multiItemExtensions.key and multiItemExtensions.value.itemId

Thanks, it returned the ITEMID of the linked record.


I stored the ITEMID in a variable I defined in the dataset linked to the WorkItem table. I then created another dataset on the LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT table, and passed this variable to the WI_ITEMID parameter. This will then display the correct ID, Summary, State in a table as I expect.

The problem is I now want to combine this with my general Work Item dataset that contains my other info for my report so I can reference this new State in my computed column. When I use a Joint Dataset and combine the 2 datasets I get an error stating my variable is Undefined. The variable is not initially defined in either of these 2 datasets.

What am I doing wrong here?

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Apr 29 '10, 6:36 p.m.
Just collect all your data in a javascript arrays and expose it to BIRT using a scripted data set. BIRT joint data sets are very slow and can consume a lot of memory.

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Michael Walker (99215201157) | answered May 03 '10, 2:24 a.m.

I agree that's the better long-term solution but this is the last part of my report and then I can deploy. Since our developers really need this report now, I was hoping to deploy with the joint datasets and then redo with scripted data sets later.

Getting this itemExtensions.value.itemId into my report is the last step.

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