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The java class is not found error when launching Jazz server

James Perry (611129) | asked Feb 15 '08, 4:15 p.m.

I am receiving the following error:

"The java class is not found"

right when I attempt to start the Jazz server. I have Java installed (JDK 5.0) and JRE 5.0, however it seems like the server cannot find my Java. Havent been able to find much info on the Web, so was hoping to get help here.

Thank You.

3 answers

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Eric Lee (1462412) | answered Feb 15 '08, 7:40 p.m.
One thing to check, make sure you don't have spaces in the path.

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James Perry (611129) | answered Feb 18 '08, 4:29 p.m.
Thank you for the suggesstion, but I am still receiving "the Java class is not found" splash command prompt when launching the JAZZ server. I have been able to reproduce this issue on a personal computer without JAVA installed, and then I install Java (JDK 5.0 from SUN), and verify that the path to the JDK is on the PATH. Also, my PATH contains locations in Program Files which has a space. I have enclosed the PATH in double quotes, and I am still seeing the problem. Should I enclose the entire PATH variable in double quotes, or just the entries with spaces in them?

I would really like to get this to work, and have tried many things with no success. The weird thing is that on the one machine I have this working on, there are no JDK entries on the PATH, so I am not even sure this is the problem. Any additional feedback on helping me fix this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You.

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Eric Lee (1462412) | answered Feb 19 '08, 12:48 a.m.
I didn't try enclosing my path in quotes, I just moved it to a directory without spaces. There are some other threads with similar issues as well.

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