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Private work items in RTC

James Hodgson (11) | asked Apr 09 '10, 10:35 a.m.
I would like to create some work items, mainly user stories and tasks, that only a specified set of people are allowed to see. Is this possible within RTC? It is unlikely that there will be any source code associated with these private work items, but this can't be ruled out.

Any help gratefully received.


4 answers

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Apr 09 '10, 11:20 a.m.
I would like to create some work items, mainly user stories and tasks,
that only a specified set of people are allowed to see. Is this
possible within RTC? It is unlikely that there will be any source
code associated with these private work items, but this can't be
ruled out.

Any help gratefully received.

In 2.0.x, you could create a separate protected project area where only
the specified set of people have access. This has the disadvantage that
these work items are really separate, e.g. can't be planned or queried
along with work items from other project areas.

In 3.0, read access permissions for work items can be assigned to a
group of people without making the whole project area read protected. So
some work items in a project area can be visible only to a specific set
of people while other work items in the same project area are visible to

See also

Jazz Work Item Team

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Michael Walker (99215201157) | answered Apr 12 '10, 2:20 a.m.

When you say "Work Items" in your comment below do you mean the Work Item Types (Story,Task, etc.) or are you referring to individual Work Item records?

"In 3.0, read access permissions for work items can be assigned to a
group of people without making the whole project area read protected."

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Apr 12 '10, 5:32 a.m.
When you say "Work Items" in your comment below do you mean
the Work Item Types (Story,Task, etc.) or are you referring to
individual Work Item records?

I was referring to individual work item records, but I conjunction with
the support for 'calculated attributes', it will be possible to
automatically assign a work item of a specific type to a protected user

Jazz Work Item Team

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Michael Walker (99215201157) | answered Jan 14 '11, 3:03 a.m.
When you say "Work Items" in your comment below do you mean
the Work Item Types (Story,Task, etc.) or are you referring to
individual Work Item records?

I was referring to individual work item records, but I conjunction with
the support for 'calculated attributes', it will be possible to
automatically assign a work item of a specific type to a protected user

Jazz Work Item Team

Hi your statement above true with v3.0? Will we be able to create a calculated attribute that automatically assigns a work item of a specific type to a protected user group? Or will this be Team Areas in IFix1?

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