DB2 RIDW creation error ( test: argument expected )
Hi All,
I have installed Data warehouse , XML DataConfiguration, Report Server and Data Manager in my Linux box.
I have a DB2 in AIX box and copied the data warehouse ( /opt/ibm/RationalInsight/datawarehouse/dw ) folder to my AIX box and changed the owner and permission to db2inst1 and 775 mode.
I am getting error when I run ./install.sh file as follow
$ ./install.sh
./install.sh: test: argument expected
./install.sh: test: argument expected
./install.sh: test: argument expected
./install.sh: test: argument expected
./install.sh: test: argument expected
./install.sh: test: argument expected
Can any one suggest me what exactly wrong with my db2?
I have installed Data warehouse , XML DataConfiguration, Report Server and Data Manager in my Linux box.
I have a DB2 in AIX box and copied the data warehouse ( /opt/ibm/RationalInsight/datawarehouse/dw ) folder to my AIX box and changed the owner and permission to db2inst1 and 775 mode.
I am getting error when I run ./install.sh file as follow
$ ./install.sh
./install.sh: test: argument expected
./install.sh: test: argument expected
./install.sh: test: argument expected
./install.sh: test: argument expected
./install.sh: test: argument expected
./install.sh: test: argument expected
Can any one suggest me what exactly wrong with my db2?
5 answers
Is it possible you ftp the files to your server in bin instead of ascii mode? When you vi install.sh do you see ^M characters?
It's something related to the unexpected LANG value before running install.sh.
Under some circumstance on AIX ksh terminal, LANG variable equals to "C" (while on RHEL5, the value is en_US.UTF-8), thus:
`echo $LANG | sed 's/\(*\).*/\1/'` will produce nothing and cause command format error.
We may enhance the logic a little bit, e.g. reassign the value to en_US.UTF-8 for such case.