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How to update outdated Data Warehouse data?

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | asked Jan 25 '16, 6:47 a.m.
I am cloning my IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution from production to staging server. I have cloned the machine with CLM applications and all databases, including Data Warehouse database. Due to some reason my data warehouse data is not up to date.

How can I update Data Warehouse data on cloned system to have up to date data there?

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Jan 25 '16, 6:48 a.m.
The only step you need to perform is to run Incremental Data Warehouse job in your Data Warehouse job solution (IBM Rational Insight or IBM Data Collection Component).

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