Report Builder Project prompt is not populated correctly

The Report Builder Project prompt is not populated correctly. It does not show the Projects a user has access to. I believe Report Builder gets this information from the PROJECT_RESOURCE_LOOKUP table in the data warehouse. I am using CLM and Rational Insight 6.0.3 and using the RI ETL to populate the data warehouse. I can manually add user and project combinations into the PROJECT_RESOURCE_LOOKUP table and it will be reflected in the Report Builder project prompt, but it is not possible to manually keep that table up to date with CLM.
I looked at the raw data from the Data Manager JFS_ReadAccess Fact Build and it is not getting all the data from the CCM source. I run the DataSource query with the CCM ResourceGroup and a Modified Since value of '1899-12-31 00:00:00' to get all data. It returns 6389 rows, but there should be more than that. The userid I am using for the XML configuration has Administrator access to the CLM server, so can see all the data. Some projects have all the required users in the ROJECT_RESOURCE_LOOKUP table, but most have just a partial list.
The JFS_ProjectArea Fact Build get all 107 CCM projects successfully from the CCM server. Why is the JFS_ReadAccess Fact Build not getting all of the source data from the CCM server?
One answer

Hello Steve,
is your user a member of the missing projects or can he just see them in CLM because it's JazzAdmin?
In the second case that's probably not enough. unless the project is visible to everyone.
Best Regards
Francesco Chiossi

The userid for the ETL is not a member of all the projects. However, even the projects it is a member of do not return all the users for the project. The userid for the RI ETL is supposed to just have Jazz Admin access rights. It works fine for all other RI ETL jobs, and I shouldn't have to add the ETL userid to each project as it is created.

Hello Steve,
I meant the user running the report, not the one configured to run the ETL.
Best Regards
Francesco Chiossi

Yes, the user running the report is a member of the project. None of the users have Jazz Admin access rights. For example, I have one project with 250 members, but only 6 are in the PROJECT_RESOURCE_LOOKUP table.