Multi-Select Values do not display in web GUI

Hello! I've created some Multi-Select Editor Presentations and when we use the web GUI to create a new Work Item the values that should display in the Multi-Select box are missing. Is there something I must do to enable them to display? I've tried both IE 6.0 (our current Company approved browser) and Firefox 3.6. RTC version is Thanks.
One answer

Hello! I've created some Multi-Select Editor Presentations and when we use the web GUI to create a new Work Item the values that should display in the Multi-Select box are missing. Is there something I must do to enable them to display? I've tried both IE 6.0 (our current Company approved browser) and Firefox 3.6. RTC version is Thanks.
Hi George
Just an aside on IE6 - don't even try to use this version of IE - it does not work properly and is not supported. It may work for a bit, then it all goes wrong very soon.