Special hidden characters prevent saving text as requirement
It seems that special hidden characters sometimes prevent someone from selecting and saving a requirement. This happens when you pull text from MS Word and then try to right click the text within the RTF editor in RRC. A work around is to go back and copy the text from MS Word to notepad (non formatted) and then into the RTF editor in RRC. Once you clear the formatting...everything is fine. Will RRC inevitably allow for this functionality?
2 answers
FYI even characters like commas, apostrophes, slashes cannot be in the names of artifacts due to constraints in Jazz server namespace. When you "mark as requirement" the text becomes the title and name of the new requirement arifact. You can edit the field to remove these characters (if you can find them) before pressing "OK" to create the new requirement.
As I recall, there is a fix in 2001 already or planned for the next fixpack that addresses this (i.e, strips out invalid characters).
As I recall, there is a fix in 2001 already or planned for the next fixpack that addresses this (i.e, strips out invalid characters).