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What permissions are needed to be able to see the ReqIF tab?

Mariana Hernandez (636) | asked Jun 22 '14, 9:43 p.m.


I am using RRC 4.0.5, I check the permission and I see my roles has "Modify" permissions for:

Export ReqIF, Import ReqIF and Manager ReqIF

When I go to the "Project Properties" area I can not see the ReqIF tab, what other permissions do I need?

Thank You!

2 answers

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jun 23 '14, 4:36 a.m.
Hi, Mariana

I tested with 4.0.5 and 4.0.6. So long as I have any of Export/Import/Manage ReqIF permission in the assigned Author role, I am able to see ReqIF tab in Manage Project Properties.The condition to see the ReqIF tab is that the user should be a member of RM project area and the role has either one of  Export ReqIF, Import ReqIF and Manage ReqIF permissions.

you may want to refresh the browser or delete the browser cache and see if it works for you, or trying other browser. I tested with Firefox 24 ESR. If still not working, check with your rm.log file and see if there is any problem there.

permanent link
Mariana Hernandez (636) | answered Jun 23 '14, 10:29 a.m.
Thanks Don for your reponse...The key was to have the role "Author" and have the Author have permission to ReqIF functions. I was thinking the Admin role would work but it didn't (again I am using 4.0.5)  - Thank You

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