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Wiki and forum functionality on our local Jazz server

Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | asked Feb 04 '08, 5:20 p.m.

Any recommendations on how to set up a wiki and forum (similar to with our local RTC/Jazz server setup?

Are there any hooks in RTC or the server to talk to a wiki or forum?



5 answers

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Bruno Hondelatte (6) | answered Feb 05 '08, 3:57 a.m.

I have similar questions concerning wiki & forum support inside

From what I see, for the moment the site hosts external forums & wiki : phpbb for the discussions aspect, twiki for the wiki aspect.

In beta2 of RTC, wiki feature is said to be "deprecated". Do you have plans to re-integrate native wiki or forums inside platform ?

Having external wiki & discussions features seems great, however, IMHO :
* they require an extra effort to integrate seamlessly with the other aspects, especially for single sign-on and users management
* they rely on different technologies (java for jazz, php for phpbb, perl for twiki)
* they provide their own administration pages, and their own 'themes' and UI customization
* it is harder to centralize and link related information together if they come from either jazz team server, twiki and phpbb

For instance, the "search feature" on does not search in the forums.

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Roman Smirak (3164933) | answered Feb 05 '08, 5:38 a.m.
I'm interested as well. We would like to abandon Microsoft Sharepoint and
have one solution for all aspects (full text search across all: work items,
blogs, wikis, etc.) and use integration with work items: e.g. I'm bloging
about current development and I can refer to precise set or work item.



"bruno" <> wrote in message

I have similar questions concerning wiki & forum support inside

From what I see, for the moment the site hosts external
forums & wiki : phpbb for the discussions aspect, twiki for the
wiki aspect.

In beta2 of RTC, wiki features is said to be "deprecated".
Do you have plans to re-integrate native wiki or forums inside platform ?

Having external wiki & discussions features seems great, however,
* they require an extra effort to integrate seamlessly with the other
aspects, especially for single sign-on and users management
* They rely on different technologies (java fro jazz, php for phpbb,
perl for twiki)
* they provide their own administration pages, and their own 'themes'
and UI customization
* it is harder to centralize and link related information together if
they come from either jazz team server, twiki and phpbb

For instance, the "search feature" on does not
search in the forums.

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Torben Knerr (41112) | answered Feb 05 '08, 6:03 a.m.
I always thought that a Wiki integration into Jazz was a good idea. Well okay, the Team Wiki was never in a usable state, i.e. you could not create new Wiki pages, but I always hoped the Jazz Team would put in some effort in order to enhance it. IMHO a Wiki is an essential part of every software development project, so I would be more than happy to see this integrated into Jazz as well.

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Dirk Baeumer (4811) | answered Feb 05 '08, 8:48 a.m.
Version 1.0 will ship without a wiki and forum support integrated into
the Jazz server. The main reasons are:

* staying focused for the 1.0 product
* there are already lots of wiki implementations. The question here is
if we want to invent another wiki or if an integration of an exisiting
wiki would be more valuable.

If you have a wiki running in your company you can integrate it into the
WEB/UI's dashboard:

* add link in the bookmark viewlet to the wiki home page
* use an events viewlet to subscribe to changes in the wiki

Dirk Baeumer
Agile Planning Component

kesterto wrote:

Any recommendations on how to set up a wiki and forum (similar to with our local RTC/Jazz server setup?

Are there any hooks in RTC or the server to talk to a wiki or forum?



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Roman Smirak (3164933) | answered Feb 07 '08, 5:08 a.m.
Hi Dirk,

I understand your reasoning (I'm not even talking of 1.0 scope); however
I will miss seamless integration features e.g. complex search cross
different sources and "install & go" nature of a product (without painful
integration hours).

Anyway, I have tried the RSS viewlet; it requires user name & pass. It is
not secure. Is there any way to tell ${CURRENT_USER}? (here we go, the
integration issues..)



"Dirk Bumer" <> wrote in message
Version 1.0 will ship without a wiki and forum support integrated into the
Jazz server. The main reasons are:

* staying focused for the 1.0 product
* there are already lots of wiki implementations. The question here is if
we want to invent another wiki or if an integration of an exisiting wiki
would be more valuable.

If you have a wiki running in your company you can integrate it into the
WEB/UI's dashboard:

* add link in the bookmark viewlet to the wiki home page
* use an events viewlet to subscribe to changes in the wiki

Dirk Baeumer
Agile Planning Component

kesterto wrote:

Any recommendations on how to set up a wiki and forum (similar to with our local RTC/Jazz server setup? Are there any hooks in
RTC or the server to talk to a wiki or forum?



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