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RTCp 2.0 Infocenter

Kenny Smith (302614) | asked Mar 04 '10, 11:25 a.m.
retagged Jun 24 '12, 9:36 a.m. by Arne Bister (2.6k12832)
Much of the IBM software site has not been updated with the links to the current InfoCenter for Team Concert for Power Systems InfoCenter, so I'll post it here for those looking for it. The RTCi hub is a bit stale also.

The RTCp infocenter is at

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Abe Batthish (8656) | answered Sep 25 '10, 9:25 p.m.
Much of the IBM software site has not been updated with the links to the current InfoCenter for Team Concert for Power Systems InfoCenter, so I'll post it here for those looking for it. The RTCi hub is a bit stale also.

The RTCp infocenter is at

Update: RTCi Hub in the Cafe has officially been deprecated. All community activity for RTCi and RTCp have been migrated to

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