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RTCi repotools.qsh -createTables fails for provisioning

I am getting a failure when attempting to install my followup action onto RTCi. I used the provisioning instructions found in the url below.
During my tests the deploy worked fine for my local windows installation but fails for when I try to deploy to production RTCi. I am reasonably confident that my provision profile ini file is correct based on previous errors I had prior to this one.
Any thoughts or recommendations are greatly appreciate.
There error coming back is
/qibm/proddata/rtci/v1.0/standard/jazz/server/repotools.qsh -addTables
Repo Tools, Version - M20090225-1543
Provisioning using "./provision_profiles".
Rational Jazz Team Server for i - Standard
Loading configuration from "file:teamserver.properties".
Attempting Initial Database Connection Using
Db Name/Location: //ABC.XYZ.COM;hold statements=true;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;
Initial database connection successful
Db Product Name: DB2 UDB for AS/400
Db Product Version: 05.04.0000 V5R4m0
Db URL: jdbc:as400://ABC.XYZ.COM;hold statements=true;user=xxxxx;password=xxxxxxxxx;
Jdbc Driver Name: AS/400 Toolbox for Java JDBC Driver
Jdbc Driver Version: 8.8
CRJAZ8192E: Fulltext Index Location: workitemindex/fulltext_index/
The user "ADMIN" has logged in to the database "//ABC.XYZ.COM;hold statements=true;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;".
Adding tables to the database "//ABC.XYZ.COM;hold statements=true;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;".
Syntax error or access rule violation
SQL Exception #1
SQL Message: JAZZREPO01 in *N type *LIB already exists.
SQL State: 42710
Error Code: -601
com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.db.util.JdbcDB$2: CRJAZ0577I Error preparing or executing statement => CREATE SCHEMA JAZ
com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.db.util.JdbcDB$2: CRJAZ0577I Error preparing or executing statement => CREATE SCHEMA JAZ
CRJAZ0489I Failed to build the schema "APT_SNPSHT" contributed by bundle "com.ibm.team.datawarehouse.service".
The user "ADMIN" has logged out of the database "//ABC.XYZ.COM;hold statements=true;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;".
CRJAZ0489I Failed to build the schema "APT_SNPSHT" contributed by bundle "com.ibm.team.datawarehouse.service".
During my tests the deploy worked fine for my local windows installation but fails for when I try to deploy to production RTCi. I am reasonably confident that my provision profile ini file is correct based on previous errors I had prior to this one.
Any thoughts or recommendations are greatly appreciate.
There error coming back is
/qibm/proddata/rtci/v1.0/standard/jazz/server/repotools.qsh -addTables
Repo Tools, Version - M20090225-1543
Provisioning using "./provision_profiles".
Rational Jazz Team Server for i - Standard
Loading configuration from "file:teamserver.properties".
Attempting Initial Database Connection Using
Db Name/Location: //ABC.XYZ.COM;hold statements=true;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;
Initial database connection successful
Db Product Name: DB2 UDB for AS/400
Db Product Version: 05.04.0000 V5R4m0
Db URL: jdbc:as400://ABC.XYZ.COM;hold statements=true;user=xxxxx;password=xxxxxxxxx;
Jdbc Driver Name: AS/400 Toolbox for Java JDBC Driver
Jdbc Driver Version: 8.8
CRJAZ8192E: Fulltext Index Location: workitemindex/fulltext_index/
The user "ADMIN" has logged in to the database "//ABC.XYZ.COM;hold statements=true;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;".
Adding tables to the database "//ABC.XYZ.COM;hold statements=true;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;".
Syntax error or access rule violation
SQL Exception #1
SQL Message: JAZZREPO01 in *N type *LIB already exists.
SQL State: 42710
Error Code: -601
com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.db.util.JdbcDB$2: CRJAZ0577I Error preparing or executing statement => CREATE SCHEMA JAZ
com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.db.util.JdbcDB$2: CRJAZ0577I Error preparing or executing statement => CREATE SCHEMA JAZ
CRJAZ0489I Failed to build the schema "APT_SNPSHT" contributed by bundle "com.ibm.team.datawarehouse.service".
The user "ADMIN" has logged out of the database "//ABC.XYZ.COM;hold statements=true;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;".
CRJAZ0489I Failed to build the schema "APT_SNPSHT" contributed by bundle "com.ibm.team.datawarehouse.service".