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javascript testing for WEB UI

One answer

We do support the use of doh however this is not currently packaged in
the net.jazz.ajax download. I think it would be beneficial. I would open
up a workitem if this is something you are interested in getting access to.
It is internally packaged as a JAF application along with a equinox
launch. It currently has a very basic front end that allows you to
specify the doh tests you want to run and will then show the results.
The tests can be specified in the url.
Jazz WebUI and Server Development.
fmcgrath wrote:
We do support the use of doh however this is not currently packaged in
the net.jazz.ajax download. I think it would be beneficial. I would open
up a workitem if this is something you are interested in getting access to.
It is internally packaged as a JAF application along with a equinox
launch. It currently has a very basic front end that allows you to
specify the doh tests you want to run and will then show the results.
The tests can be specified in the url.
Jazz WebUI and Server Development.
fmcgrath wrote:
How are web UI components tested, specifically the javascript? Is there any
way to make use of DOH?