How to setup RTC dashboard development environment ?

I read this article regarding dashboard development setup: The problem is I can not access the repository at Is there any alternative or a way to gain access to this server?
Oana Hategan
Accepted answer

that server is our internal development server and only accessible to our development team. If you need to develop in a similar way, the RTC Extensions Workshop describes a way to set up your own development environment. I think you would have to install additional software and do additional steps in the setup as described in the WiKi.
that server is our internal development server and only accessible to our development team. If you need to develop in a similar way, the RTC Extensions Workshop describes a way to set up your own development environment. I think you would have to install additional software and do additional steps in the setup as described in the WiKi.

To further Ralph's point, the wiki article you mentioned is intended to help on-board a new developer to the Dashboard team (hence the internal address). It is meant to set you up to actually work on the Dashboard infrastructure itself. If you are trying to write a viewlet, these guides may be useful to you (though they do assume you have a development environment set up):

Thank you for your quick response.
I already set up the development environment following the Rational Team Concert 3.0.1 Extensibility lab. When I launch my plugin using Jetty and I try to access https://localhost:9443/jazz/dashboards I get a 404 error: Problem accessing /jazz/_dashboards. Reason:NOT_FOUND.
Do you know what additional steps should I perform in order to be able to access the Dashboards page from this setup?

As far as I can tell, the way the Extensions Workshop is set up, I can only access the project dashboard. I am not sure how to see the JTS dashboards in this setup.
One other answer

Thank you for your help. I found out what I was doing wrong.
I was using the standard Jetty standalone launch, instead of an [RtcExt] Jetty Launch. The standard launch was working for the previous plugins I was testing because they didn't require working with dashboards.
Now I can access the project dashboard and my problem is solved.
Have a nice day,