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Error attempting to integrate with Sametime 7.5.1

James Perry (611129) | asked Jan 23 '08, 9:38 p.m.

Was looking through the forums and troubleshooting docs, but did not see this error. I have installed the Team Concert Sametime plug-ins, and restarted Sametime. I then added Sametime to my Instant Messaging in Team Concert. When I click Connect, I get the error below:

Please assist. I have not been able to find a place to open this port. Has anyone seen this before?

8 answers

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Tobias Widmer (3211) | answered Jan 24 '08, 5:18 a.m.
JPibm schrieb:

Was looking through the forums and troubleshooting docs, but did not
see this error. I have installed the Team Concert Sametime plug-ins,
and restarted Sametime. I then added Sametime to my Instant Messaging
in Team Concert. When I click Connect, I get the error below:

Please assist. I have not been able to find a place to open this
port. Has anyone seen this before?


We have the following work item to track this issue:

As for your problem: Have you been following the steps in the help
documentation? In the Edit IM Account dialog for Sametime, there is a
help link which launches a help topic with steps to install the
Jazz/Sametime integration support.


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James Perry (611129) | answered Jan 24 '08, 9:36 a.m.
Hi Tobias,

Thank you for the response. I was using the Help documentation to set this up, and thats when I received the error message. Maybe it could be a security issue on my end (or where my server is installed). Do you recall anyone else ever seeing this error?

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James Perry (611129) | answered Jan 24 '08, 5:28 p.m.
Has anyone else had trouble configuring Sametime, and getting similar errors as me? Port 1883 cannot be accessed...

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James Perry (611129) | answered Jan 25 '08, 12:09 a.m.
Fixed this by setting the startBroker value to true under the Sametime_install_dir/plugin customization.ini. This is already documented in the setup guide, just missed it.

Thank You.

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Christophe Elek (2.9k13021) | answered Jan 25 '08, 7:42 a.m.
JAZZ DEVELOPER (JPibm) wrote in news:fnbrdu$mn4$1

Fixed this by setting the startBroker value to true under the
Sametime_install_dir/plugin customization.ini. This is already
documented in the setup guide, just missed it.

Thank You.

Perry, we need to improve your experience...
I want to make sure that the next time someone is following your 'cognitive
task' that person finds the data :)

- what did you search and where ? (I will make sure we have a doc there to
be found)
- Do you recall why you missed the setting startBroker? Was the setup guide
too long ? Not clear enough ?

No pun intended, my job is to find out what 'we' could have done better
based on how 'you' think it should have worked :)


Christophe Elek
Serviceability Architect
IBM Software Group - Rational

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James Perry (611129) | answered Jan 25 '08, 12:02 p.m.
Hi Chris,

It is nice to see someone so dedicated to user success : )

For starters, I used the Help Document at:

Looking back at the document, I seemed to have missed the very first step (Step: a) in the document which states to set startBroker to true. I must have been caught up in all of the mind blowing features of Jazz, to miss the very first step in the Sametime 7.5.1 configuration. : ) In my opinion, the document is very precise and simple to follow, as long as you make sure to start at the beginning!

If I had to give one serious reason why I may have missed the first step, it may have been beacause of the gray shaded backround on the startBroker command that made me think it was a starting header or something, or maybe I am just overly ancy to install Sametime plug-ins. : )

Thanks again,

Jim Perry

User Technoligies Development
Rational Software

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Christophe Elek (2.9k13021) | answered Jan 25 '08, 12:41 p.m.
JAZZ DEVELOPER (JPibm) wrote in news:fnd51e$919$2

Thanks again,

No problem, my pleasure
I opened 42721 and asked if we could either change the doc to make it more
obvious or if we could change the property ourselves when we install the
plugins in sametime (That! would be cool... :)

Christophe Elek
Serviceability Architect
IBM Software Group - Rational

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James Perry (611129) | answered Jan 27 '08, 1:32 p.m.
Yes, that would be very helpful. Thanks for all of your help Chris!

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