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Associating Jazz Users with Lotus Connections Users

Barry Graham (106173) | asked Jan 07 '10, 11:51 p.m.
I was able to configure the Jazz Team Server to talk to our internal Lotus Connections Server at IBM, but I am puzzled by the statement shown on that says that existing and new jazz project members are automatically added to the associated community.

So I have my own Jazz Server on my laptop, and I configured a local jazz user, but since this is not in any way connected to our internal user database, how would my jazz project members be added to the community on my Lotus Connections server?


9 answers

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Daniel Stefan Haischt (21412322) | answered Jan 08 '10, 5:45 a.m.
Hi Barry,

I was able to configure the Jazz Team Server to talk to our internal Lotus Connections Server at IBM, but I am puzzled by the statement shown on that says that existing and new jazz project members are automatically added to the associated community.

So I have my own Jazz Server on my laptop, and I configured a local jazz user, but since this is not in any way connected to our internal user database, how would my jazz project members be added to the community on my Lotus Connections server?


Actually the approach outlined in is pretty straight forward:

1. Create a project area in RTC and associate it with a Lotus Connections community for which you have owner privileges.
2. Create and add new RTC users to the previously created project area.

What happens technically is that the Lotus Connections extension for RTC simply contacts the Lotus Connections server to add each RTC user that you are going to add to the RTC project area you've earlier created and associated with a particular Lotus Connections community.

Hope that helps...

PS: My 'personal' RTC server instance uses an LDAP user directory (aka IBM Bluepages) and my above statement is based on that fact. I did not try to use a standalone DB-based user directory and then add users to a Lotus Connections capable RTC project area. What I could envision is that the Lotus Connections extension simply uses the email address to add new users to a Lotus Connections community. Because I don't know the technical internals of the extension, this is probably something that needs to be answered by one of the extension authors.


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Dekel Cohen (14681) | answered Jan 21 '10, 3:43 a.m.
I was able to configure the Jazz Team Server to talk to our internal Lotus Connections Server at IBM, but I am puzzled by the statement shown on that says that existing and new jazz project members are automatically added to the associated community.

So I have my own Jazz Server on my laptop, and I configured a local jazz user, but since this is not in any way connected to our internal user database, how would my jazz project members be added to the community on my Lotus Connections server?


As Daniel explained, Each time a member is added to the Jazz project it connects to the associated Community, and adds a member, with the L.C credentials (each of the Jazz users entered her L.C credentials in the Profile | Social Network tab)

Does it work for you?


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Barry Graham (106173) | answered Jan 21 '10, 7:28 p.m.
I was able to configure the Jazz Team Server to talk to our internal Lotus Connections Server at IBM, but I am puzzled by the statement shown on that says that existing and new jazz project members are automatically added to the associated community.

So I have my own Jazz Server on my laptop, and I configured a local jazz user, but since this is not in any way connected to our internal user database, how would my jazz project members be added to the community on my Lotus Connections server?


As Daniel explained, Each time a member is added to the Jazz project it connects to the associated Community, and adds a member, with the L.C credentials (each of the Jazz users entered her L.C credentials in the Profile | Social Network tab)

Does it work for you?


I think that means that you could only make this work if the Jazz server uses and LDAP user directory (which mine doesn't) - am I right?


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Dekel Cohen (14681) | answered Feb 11 '10, 4:46 a.m.
I was able to configure the Jazz Team Server to talk to our internal Lotus Connections Server at IBM, but I am puzzled by the statement shown on that says that existing and new jazz project members are automatically added to the associated community.

So I have my own Jazz Server on my laptop, and I configured a local jazz user, but since this is not in any way connected to our internal user database, how would my jazz project members be added to the community on my Lotus Connections server?


As Daniel explained, Each time a member is added to the Jazz project it connects to the associated Community, and adds a member, with the L.C credentials (each of the Jazz users entered her L.C credentials in the Profile | Social Network tab)

Does it work for you?


I think that means that you could only make this work if the Jazz server uses and LDAP user directory (which mine doesn't) - am I right?


LDAP is not required - the system uses the L.C user name (stored in the Jazz repository) to add an L.C user to a Community.


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Barry Graham (106173) | answered Feb 11 '10, 12:41 p.m.

LDAP is not required - the system uses the L.C user name (stored in the Jazz repository) to add an L.C user to a Community.


Sorry if I am being slow. On our IBM Lotus Connections instance that we use in IBM, we authenticate using our IBM e-mail address and a password. I use that L.C. username in Jazz do you think that would work?


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Dekel Cohen (14681) | answered Feb 14 '10, 4:04 a.m.

LDAP is not required - the system uses the L.C user name (stored in the Jazz repository) to add an L.C user to a Community.


Sorry if I am being slow. On our IBM Lotus Connections instance that we use in IBM, we authenticate using our IBM e-mail address and a password. I use that L.C. username in Jazz do you think that would work?


Just fill IBM e-mail and L.C password in the Social networking tab (along with your L.C server url) and it should all work.

Happy to help,

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Steven Pogue (7142) | answered Jun 25 '10, 4:58 p.m.
Will the social connector pick up on RTC members added to a project area via RTC API in order to add them to the associated LC community?

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Dekel Cohen (14681) | answered Jun 27 '10, 3:30 a.m.
Will the social connector pick up on RTC members added to a project area via RTC API in order to add them to the associated LC community?

Yes, it will.


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David Retzler (8811) | answered Feb 21 '12, 12:52 p.m.
What if some users added to the Project Area should not be part of the Lotus Connections community? If you want most users to have the link to the LC but for some users they should not have access, can you specify for certain users a way to prevent them from being added?

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