ELM 7.0.2 - editor presentation properties
We have a number of "default" attribute fields to control some help text in our editor presentation. The content is merely help text but because its associated with a specific field, on the creation of a work item, all this help text is added to the history.
Is there a way to add a property to these fields to exclude them from the history ? e.g. something like a command in the properties box that says excludefromHistory = true ?
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Hi Karen,
There are several options here:
- use non-attribute editor presentations instead of attributes. You can use static text and HTML to add free text to forms
- you may want something more obvious in your UI, but if you fill in the description field on attributes, the text will come up as a hover box when the user puts the cursor over the field
Thank you for your response, I'm well aware of what else I could have used, having been around the rational suite of tools for a long time. The use of default text allows you to have one field that if the information should change, it updates all work items that use it versus having to go update 20 or 30 work item types to reflect the corrected information. Doing it this way works very nicely, however as I said it gets put in the initial creation history of the work item which adds unnecessary clutter.
In that case your only option that's directly attached to the attribute and doesn't update the database is the description hover text, which would be shared between work item presentations using that attribute.
However using static text and then sharing presentation sections could decrease your maintenance - that's what I do when designing my work item forms to try and keep the look and feel as similar as possible for attributes that are common.
I haven't looked into this but another possibility might be to check out externalising your text in a language file, or using the work item configuration section - if either of those are available then you could use the same identifier in the static text on the different presentations and you'd only have to change the text once.