RRDNG (RM) PUB how printModuleBook.dta can create drop down selection for external variables in wizard?
in PUB templates we can use external variables that can be used also with the RRDNG (in DNG)
The wizard also uses the parameters in description.
For example in printModuleBook.dta the external variable:
Include Comments(type:boolean)
will create a checkbox
But there is also a drop down choice:
How is this created?
in printModuleBook.dta 2 variables are defined:
but the descriptions are for boolen attribute:
Show Embedded Artifacts Minimized (type:boolean)
(I would expect some sort of enumeration)
Actually I was not able to find and exact match for what appears in the wizard (even searching in the XML of the template)
Is this a very specific behaviour created only for this use case?
Has somebody been able to create a custom drop doen for the wizard?
Any help will be appriciated
Best regards
One answer
You're correct - the DNG report wizard is displaying the drop down and setting the two boolean variables under the covers.
If this were using Configuration Metadata for the variable then you could provide an XPath expression for the values and what to display and it would create a drop down during generation, but I can't find anywhere they are doing this in the template for the example above
Hi Davyd were you able to do this?
Can you pls give me a starting point for using the XPath expression? (I've seen the metadadata configuration only in RTC and ETM with a dynamic link)
Thank You
Yeah, it's not really going to work for a simple list of string values I don't think - but in your template you right click on the variable in the right hand panel, and choose Edit Configuration Metadata...
You would somehow need to set up and define a new data source to feed the values in - you could potentially try creating an XML file and connecting that as your data source, but then you'd need to make that available on a server to download. Quite complex for a single drop down
Fariz Saracevic
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 28 '24, 4:16 a.m.This is additional logic added by DOORS Next development team. Pls check this page and see if this helps you https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RRCCustomRRDGReportsConfigurations.