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Widget for Doors Next Generation 7.0.3

We want to develop a widget for Doors next generation (DNG) 7.0.3 that will do the following:
1. In DNG on the dev stream select an artifact via the checkbox. Then the widget will have a "See Master Redline" button that when clicked will see if this same artifact exists in the Master stream. If it it does exist in the Master stream it will display all the changes for that artifact compared to master. Changes will be directly shown in DNG. For example, if the Contents attribute in the artifact changed, what is displayed in the Contents column would be the changes compared to the master stream. If it isn't possible to display the changes in the existing column, alternatively we would display the changes within a brand new column.
2. Our artifacts have an attribute that has the Work Item ID. If select the artifact via the checkbox, can then click on a "View Changes for Work Item" button in the widget. This will then show all the changes associated with that Work Item ID, and it will display those changes directly in DNG. For example, the Contents column would display all the changes made to that attribute as part of that Work Item ID. If it isn't possible to display the changes in the existing column, alternatively we would display the changes within a brand new column.
For this desired functionality, what is possible and what isn't? For what is possible what APIs would need to be called?