[closed] OSLC API For Programmatically Linking RQM and DNG
Hello Everyone,
The question has been closed for the following reason: "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by davidhoney Mar 09 '23, 9:47 a.m.
Accepted answer
Hi Jyoti
> other PLM Tool and vice versa
You'll have to discuss details with their vendor of how 'other PLM' tools work, but if they're OSLC configuration management aware then the principles should be similar to below.
> create automatic link
It's important to understand that (at least in the ELM world) with configuration management enabled links are always stored at the source, or 'from' end, and that end is where they must be created. Even though the user interface of DOORS Next allows creating a ETM->DN link from within DN, in reality the link is always created in EWM. All the OSLC links have a defined direction, basically all links involving DN are towards DN, and using OSLC APIs you will only be able to create them at the source/from end of that direction, i.e. not at the target/to end in DN.
(if you see mention of creating 'backlinks' when discussing links, this is referring to when not using configuration management)
To add or remove a link using OSLC APIs you will follow these steps, which are the same for creating links as for updating other properties:
- Obtain, or GET, the artifact that you want to create the link from
- Add or remove the link from the artifact body
- Update, or PUT, the modified artifact
Just to repeat: with configuration management enabled links are always stored at the source end, and for links between ETM and DN the source is always ETM, so you will only see ETM->DN links by GET on the ETM resource(s). You won't see ETM->DN links, or any other incoming links, when GETting DN resources.
One other answer
Hi Jyoti,