ETM : Given a TestCase how to get the TCER linked to it using OSLC APIs.
Hi Team,
I have a usecase wherein I need to get the Test Case Execution Record(TCER) from the Testcase URI using the OSLC APIs.
Testcase URI : <serverUrl>/qm/oslc_qm/contexts/_AGocA-oLEeKbeebWK2sm1Q/resources/
Here using this URI am able to get entire content of the Testcase as a response but not the linked TCER.
Could you assist what needs to be done here. Thanks.
One answer
For all I can tell, you get the TestCase resource, using GET, the URI and Header: OSLC-Core-version, accept:/application/rdf+xml . The response body has the data, the data contains links for the included link types. The link has a target URI. You GET the target URI using using GET, the URI and Header: OSLC-Core-version, accept:/application/rdf+xml .
Thanks for your reply Ralph.
The response body of GETting the Testcase contains all the information related to itself, but not the links or the target URIs. Could you please suggest how to get the TCER information.
The TCER contains the link to the TC:
<oslc_qm:runsTestCase rdf:resource=""/>
I have not tried the QM OSLC API that much. You might have to use OSLC QUERY or some other mechanism to get the information you need.