Unique URIs in each project for artifacts/attributes/links etc?

For new projects in DOORS NG I create a new schema by importing properties from an older project.
One answer

I tried to say it, it is your choice but it is an important choice. I expected that you chose the form
which is a rather poor choice, if this is actually something that you want to define the URIs globally. You should have may be chosen http://xxxxx.xxx/rm/at#ArchitectureRequirement . You can keep the chosen URI. I do not know what happens if you change the URI in the old project area, if you want to consolidate. You might what to open a case with support, if that is feasible. As far as I can tell, the URI is already used in the report data and will not go away.
So, if you consolidate the URI's in new project areas, you can replace them with the general ones in newer reports. I am not sure about the impact.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 25 '24, 10:56 a.m.What were the URI you chose in the older project area?
My understanding is that it is your choice, what URI you want. If you want them to be different, you make them different. If you want them the same, you use the same. Because for your reporting they are the same thing, even if the names are different.
I would assume if you chose: http://my.company.uribase/rm/at#ArchitectureRequirement, the imported URI should be http://my.company.uribase/rm/at#ArchitectureRequirement unless you change it. Not sure about that however.
John-Paul Coetzee
Mar 25 '24, 11:36 a.m.Sorry, I didn't make myself clear.