Create my own RDNG project
How do I create my own project in Doors Next Gen? I'm under the /preview01-rm area where there is the Adaptive Cruise Control Requirements, but I wan't to create my own project. When I try to, I get the following error:
User "codiac" does not have the required permission to perform the following operation: create a project area in the repository. The "JazzProjectAdmins" repository permission is required to perform this operation.
2 answers
Hi Jacey,
If you are using an online evaluation environment then you cannot do this.
If you want to practice creating your own project areas you can install a DNG server on your own computer and you will be a JazzAdmin and be able to create project areas. It runs OK on Win10.
Download the installer from here
Hi Jacey,
Since you are only interested in DNG, when you install the software, as Sean suggested, you will need to select Jazz Team Server, IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next, and Trial Keys for IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management products. When you get to the point in the documentation where you are to run jts/setup, choose the express setup. When asked for a license type, you will only need the Analyst license for DNG. This will give you a 60 day trial license.