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Is there a way to add a new attribute to a Test Asset by way of the RQMxImporter without blowing away the existing content of the test asset ?

One answer

Why can you not do a regular upgrade to 7.0.2?
I would suggest to Work on a test system that you can throw away until your migration strategy works.
I do not know RQM Excel Importer, but I do not see, why you could not define custom attributes in the target ETM project area and store information in them that allow you to recreate e.g. linkage between items. I do not understand, why that would overwrite any of the other information. You will never get a 1:1 copy anyway, so you might have to compromise in some areas. You have to try anyway.
I have used similar strategies in EWM import/export scenarios.
There are multiple APIs available that could be used to update the data later. OSLC, Reportable REST.

I would expect, that you would have to create the custom attributes before you perform the migration and then set the values during the import. I am not familiar enough with ETM to know if setting a custom attribute later would "overwrite" older data. The only place where I would expect issues would be the test execution records. I added a custom attribute and was able to manually update it.