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Is there a way to add a new attribute to a Test Asset by way of the RQMxImporter without blowing away the existing content of the test asset ?

Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | asked Feb 13, 9:57 a.m.
we are moving to a new version of ELM7 from CLM5 - we cannot do an update on the existing system, so have to use the command line utility of RQMCopy to migrate the data over.  This will create net new IDs on all test assets, against which we will need to do a data mapping.

It might save us a lot of time, if it were possible to potentially use the RQMExcelImporter to add the original CLM5 ID as a new Attribute to existing data - however, I fear that would overwrite any other content.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Feb 14, 2:14 a.m.

Why can you not do a regular upgrade to 7.0.2?

I would suggest to Work on a test system that you can throw away until your migration strategy works. 

I do not know RQM Excel Importer, but I do not see, why you could not define custom attributes in the target ETM project area and store information in them that allow you to recreate e.g. linkage between items. I do not understand, why that would overwrite any of the other information. You will never get a 1:1 copy anyway, so you might have to compromise in some areas. You have to try anyway.

I have used similar strategies in EWM import/export scenarios. 

There are multiple APIs available that could be used to update the data later. OSLC, Reportable REST.

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 14, 2:23 a.m.

I would expect, that you would have to create the custom attributes before you perform the migration and then set the values during the import. I am not familiar enough with ETM to know if setting a custom attribute later would "overwrite" older data. The only place where I would expect issues would be the test execution records. I added a custom attribute and was able to manually update it.

Karen Steele commented Feb 14, 6:10 a.m.
system is too old to upgrade to 702 without db, infrastructure changes and 4 rounds of upgrades - new system is in a protected b space, so not connected.  I was thinking custom attribute too, but with the # of assets that's gonna take time.

Thanks for the input Ralph.

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