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Internal ID returned instead of external Slug ID

ABHILASH MM (176) | asked Feb 24 '21, 10:10 a.m.
This is Regarding the RQM API.

I am currently creating a Test case from REST API In RQM.

In the response i normally get the slug_EXTERNAL ID of the created artifact instead of internal ID i.e. ID.
This adds extra step for my program to do GET on the Content-Location URL to fetch the actual ID of the Test Case.

Is there any option available to get the Internal ID in the Creation Response instead of External ID?

Accepted answer

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Monika Rajput (25612) | answered Mar 02 '21, 11:34 a.m.

Hi Abhilash,

The PUT/POST request returns only the Slug ID. The internal ID can be retrieved by doing a GET on created resource.

Monika Rajput

ABHILASH MM selected this answer as the correct answer

ABHILASH MM commented Mar 04 '21, 4:47 a.m.

So there is no way we can get the internal ID Directly from PUT/POST Request (Creating Resource)?

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