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RQM: Export project area pre-conditions and follow-up actions

Jitesh Saha (1710) | asked May 07 '20, 2:44 a.m.
I am trying to work on a exporter tool in RQM to export the  pre-conditions and follow-up actions for project area copy and back up purposes..
I do not wish to export artifact pre-conditons such as test cases and test suites, it is the project area properties I am interested in.
Is there any way ( preferably using REST APIs or OSLC ) to achieve this?

Thank you in anticipation.

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Krupa Gunhalkar (4512) | answered May 08 '20, 6:06 a.m.

 Hi Jitesh,

You can copy only Project Properties from one project to another for backup using "CopyProjectProperties" tool available with the RQM/ETM installer which is associated with the readme.txt for instructions.

Hope this helps,
Krupa Gunhalkar

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