How to create a new Test Plan and link some existing test cases using RQM Excel Importer?
2 answers
indicates a reference to the master test artifacts, content is the external/internal id or the excel cell/column that stores the external/internal id of the master artifact on ETM server.
testplan links with testcase, then test plan is master artifact and testcase is sub/child artifact.
testplan links with testcase, then test plan is master artifact and testcase is sub/child artifact.
testcase.testplan=LinkExisting("testplanid"), testplanid1 is the external/internal id of the test plan on ETM server.
So in your case, you want to link a new testplan to the existing testcases for which keyword LinkExisting() won't apply.
You would need to use keyword Link() instead. Please try
Hope this helps.
Referring to uno online indicates a reference to the master test artifacts, content is the external/internal id or the excel cell/column that stores the external/internal id of the master artifact on ETM server.
i.e. testplan links with testcase, then test plan is master artifact and testcase is sub/child artifact.
testcase.testplan=LinkExisting("testplanid"), testplanid1 is the external/internal id of the test plan on ETM server.
So in your case, you want to link a new testplan to the existing testcases for which keyword LinkExisting() won't apply. You would need to use keyword Link() instead. Please try
Hope this helps.
Great! This solution works for me. Thanks, bro!