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RQM Excel Importer - Certain fields not populating

Peter Storey (1137) | asked Nov 19 '12, 11:09 a.m.

Hi all,

Wonder if you can help with another excel import question!

I have my test scripts and cases importing successfully but there are certain fields failing to populate. For example, within the Test Script section the 'owner' field is failing to populate even though I have the following lines in the .cfg files:

testscript.dc:title=C  //this works

testscript.owner=N //this doesnt work

How do I know exacly how to reference this field? Is there some way of getting this information from with Rational?

Answers will be gratefully appreciated!

Kind Regards,


One answer

permanent link
Brian Fleming (1.6k11928) | answered Nov 20 '12, 5:55 p.m.
Try testscript.alm:owner=N

You can traverse the schema via:
https://<server:port>/qm/service/<project area>/testscript?metadata=schema

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