Summary of users and their roles per project area in RQM
I would like to generate a list of users and roles of each user per project area in RQM. Since I don't think it can be generated in JRS, I would like to use SQL with RQM's tables to generate this list. Do you know what tables from the RQM database could I use to get this information? I have tried with these tables so far:
Accepted answer
I have no experience with accessing the database. Reading data is OK, but there is no guarantee the database tables change.
It is possible to use APIs. One solution would be using the Plain Java Client Libraries. Here is an example: . The Plain Java Client Libraries are only available for EWM, but usually work for the other applications as well. You would have to try.
Another set of APIs are the Jazz Foundation API . This could probably be used as well.
David Honey
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 18 '23, 3:37 a.m.The tables used to record users, roles, project areas, team areas etc are private and undocumented.
Hugo Hernandez
Sep 18 '23, 2:43 p.m.Thanks Ralph Schoon and David Honey
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