Using selenium via python to access SaaS RQM - how to check if a Test Script already exists
I have a python script that uses Selenium to access our IBM SaaS RQM server to upload multiple Test Scripts one at a time from XML files.
It actually works,
BUT I cannot deal with the case where the Test Script already exists and attempts to upload fail with:
AQXPL5009E Another test script is already named ...
I have not tried using the REST API - can anyone point me to a SIMPLE list of the available commands and HOW TO USE THEM on a SaaS site (all IBM documentation found so far seems to assume on-site servers and vast experience).
ETM v7.0.2
Michael Rowe
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR Aug 29 '23, 2:31 p.m.This appears to be a logic question. You should adjust your code to look for that error message, and then handle appropriate. The supported REST APIs can be found at