RQM : Test Cases assigned to one partner should not be accessible by another partner
Dear All,
Is there any way to restrict the visibility of test cases from one user group to another.
For example in RTC for Workitems by using categories and filed against attribute we can restrict the visibility of workitems from one user to another user. so same if i want to do in RQM for Test cases or any test artifacts then can I achieve this.
Or Is there any Workaround to do this.
Thank in Advance
2 answers
I think you can do this via the project area admin page, under Categories:
This functionality is only for work items, not for test cases. It is quite unfortunate that ETM chose to use the term "category" for test artifact custom properties whose values are an enumerated type (and "attribute" for custom properties whose values are not an enumerated type ... except for Test Steps, where all custom properties are called "attributes"). So "category" for work items is a particular enumerated type, while "category" for test artifacts identifies a set of custom properties.