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Change Request in "Analyse" state is not displayed in Work Board lane

Léopold Robichon (11) | asked Aug 21 '23, 5:39 a.m.
I have a Work Board with a lane configured to show the state group "Open". I have a "Defect" and a "Change Request" Work Items in state "Analyse". The Defect appears in the lane but not the Change Request. When I explicitly specify the states "Defect Workflow: Analyse" and "Change Request Workflow: Analyse" it makes no difference : the Change Request still does not appears.

Is it a bug or did I make a mistake ?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 21 '23, 8:35 a.m.

 Chane Request seems to be a custom work item type. I would suggest to check 

  • The work item type is configured as execution item (Process configuration>Planning>General>Work ItemType Categorization )
  • The work items workflow is correctly configured to have states ion the state group.

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