RTC Micro Open vs Closed Work Items for previous iterations shows outdated snapshot's data
We are using RTC Micro Open vs Closed Work Items for tracking the status items status of Works items in my current sprint vs previous sprint.
Now my current sprint used newer Snapshot Date where as older sprint shows Older snapshot dates. We are unable to understand the mechanism on how this report shows up based on the iteration and snap shots.
Also there were few updates done to workitems post the previous snapshot and before the ending of previous iteration. The time gap between the previous Snapshot and sprint ending was almost 4 days, However WIs update during this period should have resulted at least one more snapshot before closing of the previous sprint.
Please explain How does RTC understand when to capture snapshots for a particular sprint / Iteration so that it can be referred back in future.
Sandeep Rao
Sandeep Rao