In RTC, Inside a validator function, how can I access other element value?
I am running a validator function, receiving 3 parameters (attribute, workitem, configuration)
I want to check other item value, but, from Developer Tool, i see that this other element has no id, and no name, so i can not get it through document.getElementById or document.getElementsByName.
I want to check other item value, but, from Developer Tool, i see that this other element has no id, and no name, so i can not get it through document.getElementById or document.getElementsByName.
Is there a way to get the sibling element of the workitem received in function?
One answer
Please check and the wiki:
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Also consider to perform or at least look at the last two labs.
In the provided supported Java Script API you have only access to the data of the work item the customization runs in. E.g. you can access the attributes of the work item using workitem.getValue("attribute ID").