GitHub integration with jazz for work items link
I have created the webhook with the webhook URL, to link my change to work items in IBM jazz but the error is- (push)
Last delivery was not successful. failed to connect to host.
The Response is 502
I have registered the GitHub repository with jazz RTC and then provide the webhook URL created by Jazz in GitHub webhook.
The host webhook URL is provided by IBM jazz RTC source control when I do integration of jazz for linking the work items in jazz with GitHub.
Request URL: Request method: POST Accept: */* Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: GitHub-Hookshot/dcfd812 X-GitHub-Delivery: 47a67cc0-63ad-11ef-97d7-b46428883262 X-GitHub-Event: ping X-GitHub-Hook-ID: 498164481 X-GitHub-Hook-Installation-Target-ID: 786882121 X-GitHub-Hook-Installation-Target-Type: repository
These are the logs from payload
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