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What does different prefix means in RRC API

I am currently using diff api inorder to compare 2 local RM Baseline as shown below
Now if you see under <rrm:about></rrm:about> under </ds:artifact>
there are some uri with below prefix
Now i want to understand what is meaning of MB,TX, or any other prefix which comes as part of response, do we have any documentation for same?
Thank you
One answer

These are called "slugs".
IMPORTANT: slugs are NOT part of the public API of DOORS Next which means you should NOT rely on a particular slug always being present for a certain class of artifacts - for example slugs have changed from 6.x to 7.x but are deliberately (for e.g. backward compatibility) not modified during upgrade.
To find out what the resource is do a GET on its URI and work this out from its properties.
Or, to get known type(s) of artifacts using OSLC query for that specific artifact type(s).

Hello Ian,
But this is coming as part of public api (https://server.ip:9443/rdm/publish/diff?sourceConfigUri=XXX&targetConfigUri=YYYY)
it is given by IBM to compare 2 configuration,in my case i am comparing 2 local baseline of DNG
Plus i believe the item ID and about URL of an artifact shall be uniform not sure incase i want to get changed resource of changeset how can we rely on slugs?
Thank you

Yes the URI containing the slug is some of the data that you get from DOORS Next, but you CAN'T rely that all instances of a certain type of thing always have the same slug. So DON'T USE THE SLUG to guess what something is; you'd be guessing which is generally not a good idea because guesses can be wrong. Is that clear enough?