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Adjust widget height via javascript in DNG

Antje Rößle-Tuchel (2934) | asked Mar 04, 2:43 a.m.

 I have declared the widget height in the xml-file: 

<ModulePrefs title="Formal Review" height="300" scrolling='true'>

Now I want to adjust the widget height according to the height of the table via the
javascript file. I can get the table height and the widget height:
 let tableHeight = tableElement.offsetHeight
    console.log (tableHeight) // answer (e.g.) 412
    console.log (window.innerHeight) // answer 300

But all trials to change the widget height does not work. I have tried something like:
window.reSize(200,500) = 500

I am looking forward to any help.

Accepted answer

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Davyd Norris (2.6k217) | answered Mar 04, 5:21 p.m.
You need to use gadgets.window.adjustHeight()

Use with no argument to auto size, or use with an argument to set a specific height, eg. gadgets.window.adjustHeight(200);
Antje Rößle-Tuchel selected this answer as the correct answer

Antje Rößle-Tuchel commented Mar 05, 2:25 a.m.

thank you for the hint: but if I do so, I get the error message: Cannnot read properties of undefined (reading "adjustHeight"). 

Davyd Norris commented Mar 05, 2:44 a.m. | edited Mar 05, 2:47 a.m.
OK I've just checked my widget.xml file and I have the following declared for the module

    <ModulePrefs title="FMEA Assistant" height="680">
        <Optional feature=""/>
        <Require feature="dynamic-height"/>

See if adding the dynamic-height feature makes the gadget work. 

The other issue may be that the code is being called before the objects have been initialised. I have the gadget function calls inside an event listener hooked to 'DOMContentLoaded'

Antje Rößle-Tuchel commented Mar 05, 8:01 a.m.

 Thank you very much. The require feature in the xml-file was missing. Now it works!

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