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What is the API call equivalent to GUI "Go Online (RMM)"?

Tobias Gawron-Deutsch (11) | asked Mar 24 '23, 11:31 a.m.

 I would like to automatically connect (=go online) to the rhapsody model manager. Hence, to do the same as if the user clicks on the menue entry "Go Online (RMM)". Unfortunately, I was not able to find a fitting method. Neither in the java api nor in com object TypeLib.

Thank you, Tobias

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 27 '23, 10:19 a.m.

I do not understand what you are asking for.

Tobias Gawron-Deutsch commented Mar 27 '23, 11:09 a.m.

there is the menu entry "Go Online (RMM)". I am asking for the API-equivalent to this menu entry. Which java method or which com typelib entry should i use to do this via a plugin. 

e.g. for setting the global configuration exists the method  IRPProject.setGlobalConfiguration. 

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 28 '23, 2:20 a.m. | edited Mar 28 '23, 2:20 a.m.

What tool would show that button?
As far as I am aware this is the only API RMM provides: and that API would not cover whatever UI you are talking about. 

IRPProject.setGlobalConfiguration does not sound like a command to connect to RMM or whatever, connecting might be a side effect. This sounds like setting the GlobalConfiguration. I do not know where you get this API and what this is, in terms of language, framework,... Also, if you have a button now, that you have to press, you would need some other event, trigger, automation to call the code. Not sure if that is available in the environment you talk about.

Please be aware that the other answer you got was from a spammer that constructs answers that seem to be legit and then adds ad links some days later. That user was subsequently banned.


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David Lafreniere (4.8k7) | answered Apr 26 '23, 4:05 p.m.

As far as I know, there is no API available in the Rhapsody client to do this.
As you saw, there is no Java  API in IRPProject that supports this either.

You may need to raise an RFE to have this added.

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