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Get Pkg by selecting elements

Pedro Capelotti (11) | asked Oct 31 '23, 9:39 a.m.

When trying to get the package from selected element by:

IRPApplication app = RhapsodyAppServer.getActiveRhapsodyApplication();

IRPPackage pkg = (IRPPackage) app.getSelectedElement();

I got the error:

class com.telelogic.rhapsody.core.RPClass cannot be cast to class com.telelogic.rhapsody.core.IRPPackage (com.telelogic.rhapsody.core.RPClass and com.telelogic.rhapsody.core.IRPPackage are in unnamed module of loader 'app')

Ralph Schoon commented Oct 31 '23, 12:05 p.m.

 Please read How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers? and ask a question. Refine your question.

Technically, the error means you do not get a class that implements IRPPackage, so you can't do the cast. Assuming that you talk about a Java API, you would have to test with instanceof before you cast. 

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