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Not able to link Test Execution Records using "Related Test Execution Records" in EWM for some components

Karthikeyan P (216) | asked Mar 20 '23, 12:28 a.m.

We are using ELM 702 SR1. In one of the project in EWM, we are trying to link Test Execution Records from a GC enabled ETM project. The ETM project has three components. We have configured the releases with GC in the ETM. When we try to link "Execution Records" using the Related Execution Record link to a Defect workitem, it is giving us option to select the component. Whereas, if we use the same link type to link TER to a Task or Story workitem, it is not showing option to select the components. By default it is showing the TERs from only one component. Because of this we are not able to link the TERs from other components to the EWM Tasks or stories for tracking. Is there any configuration to make it work for the Tasks and Stories also just like it is working for the Defect workitems ?

David Honey commented Mar 20 '23, 4:26 a.m.

Karthikeyan P commented Mar 22 '23, 4:41 a.m.

 Hi David,

As I mentioned in the post, the linking is working fine for the defect work item. But the problem is with the story and Tasks workitems.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Mar 22 '23, 4:36 a.m.

 2 of 4 posts have unwanted ad links. Sorry to have to ban you.

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