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DOORS DXL Syntax Highlighting

Sean F (1.3k250160) | asked Oct 25 '22, 12:44 p.m.

Does anybody know if there is a DOORS DXL Syntax Highlighting file available for Notepad++

I have one for the old text editor UltraEdit nut I do not know how to convert it for use with NPP


I was going to ask this on the other DOORS Classic forum but it seems to be disabled until 15th December

One answer

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Adrian Haw (2741242) | answered Oct 26 '22, 5:48 a.m.
edited Oct 26 '22, 5:53 a.m.
Hi Sean,
it's pretty easy to import into Notepad++
NB: there's an extra tag at the end you can delete.

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