Can I using paging in the exported report URL ?
Once a reported is exported using 'Export the Report to Microsoft Excel', it also gives me a URL which can be access using the browser. We are intending to use that URL to import the data into a different system. URL syntax is
The above URL brings back all the records in the reports.
The 'limit' parameter in the above link allows to set positive integer value. For example , the following URL will bring back 10 records
Is there a way we could use paging here so I could also send a parameter link 'startRecord'. So something like as below (which does not work):
This will allow me to bring back only certain number of records.
My second question which is related to paging only, is it possible to amend the above URL to get total number of records in the report ? For example something like below:
I have tried to search for documentation for how these endpoints are constructed but unable to so a link to some documentation would be helpful.